Business Use case

Automatic Number Plate Recognition serves several use cases right from parking
management, access control, and surveillance purposes. Adagrad developed“Gate-Guard”
which is a proprietary solution for automated access control.Primary customers include
Residential Complexes, Offices, and Smart Cities


Deployed in production at 8 locations in Punecity.

Use cases solves

  1. Access Control at the gate: authorize pre-registered vehicles including bikes,cars,transport vehicles, and more.
  2. Barrier Operation: actuate boom barriers using a custom-developed Androidapplicationon a tablet.
  3. Logs: allow the stakeholders like security professionals, administrators toaccess the logsof visitors, and authorized members.
  4. Occupancy: enable the security staff at the gate to allow visitors to park theirvehiclesinside the premises, and disallow if the parking is full.

Technologies Used

TensorRT, CUDA-X, PyTorch, Python, C/ C++, Kafka, Django, Flask.